Immigration letter
Immigration letter
Service Description
This service provides you wiht an immigration letter for your Visa or for your family to obtain visas.
Cancellation Policy
This service contract is open and honest. When you book your Paperwork Only Marriage with Marry Me Now you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions: - That full payment is required at the time of booking. - That there are no refunds and all payments that are made are non-refundable. Please note if you decide to change your wedding day a fee will apply. - You commit to providing Marry Me Now with all of the information required for The Notice Of Intended Marriage as well as all of the documents that are needed to make the wedding legally binding. (passports or birth certificates and photo ID, as well as divorce certificates or a death certificate) - That you agree to complete and lodge your Notice of Intended Marriage at least 30 days prior to the marriage being solemnised, this is a responsibility of the client to make sure Marry Me Now has received the NOIM. - The client understands that the marriage cannot take place unless the NOIM is received and lodged at least 30 days prior to the wedding. - You confirm that you are both over the age of 18, not related to one another, not already married, and are both totally consenting to the marriage and that you will bring two witnesses to the marriage, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Contact Details
Northcote VIC, Australia
+ 0425 714 033